The following is a log of all enhancements and bug fixes that have been introduced with OpenLM License Parser releases.
27870: Starting from Parser version 2.9.0, the Premium plan is deprecated for new users
When uploading a FlexLM license file, an error related to OpenLM FLexLM Analyzer occurs: (java.lang.Exception at com.openlm.logparser.wsparser.WsParser.parse(
When clicking the "Reports'' tab, a JS error occurs - a hindrance in executing any other actions
JS error: "google is not defined" generated when security rules require Google to be blocked - deter in further operation of the Parser
Least 10 Used Features report page- wrong title displayed. If empty, no displayed data as set by default
31137: Clicking on the License Parser on the OpenLM website will open it in a new tab
30884: Implementation of the logic to a add phone of the Parser user to the CRM lead/account
30674: Correct wrong Japanese translations
29456: Change all popups/modal windows not to be closed when the user clicks outside their borders
23311: Implementation of the "Under maintenance page", for when the Server is down but UI is still working
31863: Added PayPal Credit Card payment feature for Subscription and Single Payment
35575: Improved user experience and design
36663: Home Page - Changed "Create account" button to "Create a free account" (in Japanese, too)
36661: Removed Max file size info in upload files area for all plans
36660: Changed "Find file manually" to "Choose file manually" (in Japanese ,too in upload files area for all plans)
36659: Show only file name, size and progress bar in upload files area during uploading for all plans
36456: Implement "Close button" for Anonymous users for "Close Reports" warn popup
36455: Reports menu item in Reports Charts page issue
36454: Changed footer email to and Japanese localizations
40940: Basic user transfer from CRM HUB to Zoho issues
41086: Implement new OpenLM products links
40851: New Zoho chat
40938: Registration phone field to be mandatory
The Advanced pricing plan has been adjusted to $100 for new subscriptions and single payments
Checking license or log files size limits at UI level that improve performance at highest level because no need anymore to wait upload of file to get size limit error from server-side
No draggable page icons and pictures that users can upload by error instead of license or log file
Clearer descriptive notification when no supported format of license or log file uploaded
Clearer descriptive notification when uploaded license or log file is bigger than 10 MB for Advanced plan
Security improvement, removing any actions for Admin Role that can affect customers in case of account hack, leaving just monitoring info
Support of UTF-16 encoding of uploaded license and log files by any format
Full integration with Zoho CRM for users registration, Zoho Billing for Parser Advanced Annual or Monthly Payments
Resolved the case when customers cannot upload licenses or log files
Resolved the case when email is not validated correctly for new registration if it was not confirmation of that email
UI USers table does not show all users' workstation data
Please clear the browser cache and re-upload the FlexLM License files to trigger the new type of license file serialization and benefit from the security enhancements.
Implemented new logic that does not show any more records of removed licenses and logs files
Implemented new interface and logic for new FlexLM License Parser JSON service and migrated to this service
Implement logic to Block temporary email addresses on registration
Add a choice of country code with flag sign on registration form