OpenLM Server Software As A Service (SaaS) Terms.

These Terms of Service constitute a binding agreement between yourself, an individual or a designated agent of a corporation, and OpenLM Ltd. 


The OpenLM SaaS allows you to use the OpenLM Server’s functionality without the cost of operating your own OpenLM Server and maintaining it.


During your use of the OpenLM SaaS, some information may be transferred through networks. While OpenLM makes best efforts to keep your information safe, it cannot guarantee that it shall be free of errors or secure at all times.


Also, as this service relies on 3rd parties, OpenLM cannot ensure full availability.


Please go over the full terms, as detailed here, as they are the full agreement between OpenLM and yourself.


  1. Registration: In order to register to the Services, you shall be required to provide OpenLM with some identifying information. Your registration is conditioned on OpenLM’s acceptance and on your adherence to the following terms:
    1. Email Activation: Upon registration, you shall be required to activate your account by clicking on a link sent to you by OpenLM. Until you receive the activation email, you shall not be able to use the services.
    2. Download: Your services shall only be active following your download of the OpenLM Broker Application, and the successful installation on at least one device.
    3. Preconfiguration: The OpenLM Broker Application shall provide you with a preconfiguration file for the OpenLM Services.
    4. Providing OpenLM with your details: In order to use the services, you shall be requested to provide OpenLM with several details, such as your organization’s name, website, your full name, your email, your position, your login name  and other information. 
    5. Eligibility: Who Can Register? By accepting these terms, you hereby warrant that you are entitled to OpenLM’s eligibility terms (stated below) and that, if you are operating on behalf of a corporation, that you are a designated agent of the corporation and that all its end-users and employees adhere to these terms as well.
      1. Age: You are over 18 years of age, or if you are a corporation, the corporation is valid and allowed to enter into this agreement. If you are under 18, you obtained your parents consent to these terms of service.
      2. Position: You are certified to act on behalf of the entity which enters into these terms
      3. Solvency: You are solvent and have not filed for bankruptcy, liquidation, debt arrangement or otherwise lost your ability into entering into agreements such as these terms.
      4. Residence: You do not reside in any proscribed country nor in any entity that is embargoed by the United States Department of Commerce.
    6. Securing Your Account: Due to the sensitivity of information stored on your behalf on service and the potential risk, you may be required to enter a password for your account. Please do not allow others to use your account. You are required to inform OpenLM, immediately, upon any case where you believe that your account was breached and in any case you are in knowledge of any unauthorized use of any OpenLM account. Such notification shall be by email to
      1. One Account for One User: OpenLM’s policy is to have one account for one individual, and one individual for one account. You cannot hold more than one account, and you cannot allow others to access your own account. If you are a corporation, then you can grant other users access to your account through the service’s features, but you will be the one held liable for any damage which they may cause.
      2. Passwords: OpenLM strongly encourages the use of strong accounts (such as, ^e6usrh$@V&K% or Corr3cthor5ebatterySt@ple , but don’t use these two) and that using the same password for more than one user or in more than one website is considered a bad practice. OpenLM may allow you to use 3rd party services such as Google to login to OpenLM.

        For more information about strong passwords and how to find strong passwords that are easy to remember, please read the following pages:
      3. Providing your Password to others: You are specifically prohibited from sharing your password with any 3rd party.
      4. OpenLM’s Liability: OpenLM shall not be liable in any case where you did not adhere to these security guidelines and shall not be able to assist you in any manner should you refrain from using OpenLM’s best practices as published from time to time.
  2. Services: OpenLM may provide you the following services, and may, at its sole discretion, add or deprecate services.
    1. License Server Management: OpenLM shall provide you with an interface to control your current license server, such as to stop, start or restart it, as well as other services.
    2. License Usage Information: OpenLM shall provide you with additional usage information about your license server.
    3. Edit access permissions to licenses: OpenLM shall provide you with access to edit the current permissions stored on your server.
    4. Edit license server related file: OpenLM shall provide you with tools to edit your license server related files, such as your license file, options file, etc.
    5. Database Management: OpenLM shall provide you with tools to access and manage your License Server’s database.
    6. EasyAdmin: OpenLM shall provide you with an interface that allows you to access to the OpenLM functionality, manage users with access rights and your license servers managed by the service. and manage your login details.
    7. Additional Services: OpenLM may, from time to time, add or remove services.
    8. Transmission over Networks: You acknowledge that the use of the SaaS platform shall require transmission of information over networks and that OpenLM cannot guarantee the integrity of such transmissions, as well as the security of such data.
  3. Privacy: OpenLM values your privacy, and therefore has set up this extensive privacy policy to inform you of your rights. Please take into consideration that OpenLM may disclose some information to 3rd parties as a part of its services, and shall obey local regulations if required by law.
    1. What Personal Information Does OpenLM Retain? OpenLM may retain some personal information that you provided it, including your name, organization, email, username, title, department, phone numbers and/or IP address, other information you provided it when visiting the websites and/or information it obtained from your browser.
    2. What Non-Personal Information Does OpenLM Retain? OpenLM may also retain some non-personal information about you, such as your relevant software, the license types and information relating to your use.
    3. How Will OpenLM Use The Information? OpenLM uses the information in order to provide the services, as well as to improve the services. and is used to improve the services, discover new license types, measure use of the Websites and of other software. OpenLM also uses the information to contact you from time to time.
    4. Who  Has Access To This Information? OpenLM’s employees and contractors, which are under strict confidentiality obligations, have access to your data. Moreover, some 3rd parties who provide OpenLM’s software and platforms also have access to such information.
    5. How Is Your Information Secured? OpenLM uses 3rd party services, which provide increased securities and backups. OpenLM shall not disclose your content, or any other information, to any 3rd party apart from where specified in this Privacy Policy or when compelled to do so by an authorized legal authority.
    6. Can OpenLM Contact You? OpenLM may contact you from time to time by sending you a periodic newsletter and/or other promotional updates. You may always opt-out of these updates.
    7. How Can You Review Your Information or Delete It? OpenLM allows you to review your personal information through the email; please keep in mind that if you delete your personal information, OpenLM may still retain backup copies for audit and backup purposes. If you wish to do so, please sent OpenLM an email at
    8. What can you do if your privacy was violated? If you feel your privacy was compromised, you can contact OpenLM’s privacy officer at and request that he’ll review your complaint.
  4. Payment & Fees: OpenLM may charge fees for the use of the service, and may provide you with payment plans. Where such payment plans shall be on a subscription based and shall recur every billing period. As the OpenLM services are tailored specifically to you, there will be absolutely no refunds unless specifically required by law.
  5. Support: OpenLM is provided under an AS-IS basis and without any support, updates or maintenance. Nothing in this Agreement shall require OpenLM to provide You with support or fixes to any bug, failure, mis-performance or other defect in OpenLM.
  1. Bug Notification: You may provide OpenLM of details regarding any bug, defect or failure in OpenLM promptly and with no delay from such event; You shall comply with OpenLM’s request for information regarding bugs, defects or failures and furnish him with information, screenshots and try to reproduce such bugs, defects or failures.
  2. Feature Request: You may request additional features in the Service, provided, however, that (i) You shall waive any claim or right in such feature should feature be developed by OpenLM; (ii) You shall be prohibited from developing the feature by Yourself, or disclose such feature request, or feature, to any 3rd party directly competing with OpenLM or any 3rd party which may be, following the development of such feature, in direct competition with OpenLM. These developments shall not affect your rights for any development you perform under the OpenLM API; (iii) Your feature does not infringe any 3rd party patent, trademark, trade-secret or any other intellectual property right; and (iv) You developed, envisioned or created the feature solely by Yourself.
  3. Beta Testing: Upon OpenLM’s sole discretion, he may provide You with an option to participate in OpenLM’s Beta Testing (hereinafter: Beta). Should You participate in Beta, You hereby warrant to keep all information in strict confidentiality, refrain from disclosing it to any 3rd party or use it in any manner, especially in manners directly competing with OpenLM. 
  1. Warranty: OpenLM does not warrant for Service and supplies it on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis. Your Use of Service is at your own risk and under your liability. OpenLM makes no warranty that (i) the Service will meet your requirements and (ii) the Service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free and (iii) the results that may be obtained from the use of the service will be accurate or reliable and (iv) the quality of any products, services, information, or other material purchased or obtained by You through service will meet your expectations, or (v) any errors in the service will be corrected.
  2. Liability:  For no case and for no reason shall OpenLM be held liable for any damage, direct or indirect, consequential, exemplary, physical or special, to you, any other user or any 3rd party due to its misperformance of duties herein. OpenLM provides Service on an AS-IS basis and shall not be held liable, to the extent permitted by law, by any case of misconduct, negligence, gross negligence, malice or any other mean, to any damages or loss of property, virtual property, reputation and business reputation, user account information including login information, loss of profit, loss of good name, all resulting from the use or inability to use OpenLM services.
  3. Termination: OpenLM shall have the right to terminate your use of the OpenLM service or to terminate the OpenLM service at any time and by providing a 7 day prior notice. However, OpenLM may terminate your use of the OpenLM service at any time and without prior written notice in any case where you breached these terms and such breach may cause OpenLM irreparable harm.
  4. Amending These Terms: OpenLM may amend these terms from time to time, provided that you shall be informed by electronic mail upon such change.

General: These Terms govern your use of the OpenLM service and shall be the sole agreement in effect relating to these services. These terms shall be solely governed by the laws of the state of Israel and any dispute arising from it shall be solely brought to the competent courts of the Tel-Aviv District in Israel. You hereby warrant and undertake not to initiate any class action lawsuit against OpenLM and to solely seek your own damages.

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