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Application Note 1027: OpenLM Java Agent Installation & Configuration


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The OpenLM Java Agent is an end-user tool that enables OpenLM to interact with the end user in order to promote license availability. System administrators are granted full control over any functions available to the end user.
The OpenLM Java Agent is a “lightweight” software component. It is apparent on screen as an icon, located on the end users “System tray bar”. The Java Agent facilitates the following abilities:

  • Query license availability, license users and full users details.
  • Receive license availability notifications.
  • Report any active projects.

This article elaborates the installation process of the Java Agent.
The OpenLM Java Agent can run on any Java supported system. It is primarily intended for UNIX or Linux OS. OpenLM provides a native Windows agent recommended for a Windows environment.


It is necessary to have the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6 (or newer) installed.


1. Unzip the Openlm Java Agent zip file and copy all files from the Agent directory to a folder.
Ensure that the target folder does not have “read only” permissions.

2. Run the software using a terminal on the Unix Linux workstation:
cd to the target folder, and run the command:
java -jar openlm_agent.jar &

If the following message appears, make sure that the Java software is in the system path or uses full path.


After installing:

The OpenLM Agent icon appears on the “system tray”.
OpenLM Agent in a connected state:
OpenLM Agent in a disconnected state:

The OpenLM Agent may be set to start with your system; this setting is available in all UNIX/Linux systems.

Agent Configuration

  • Right click on the agent icon and select ‘OpenLM Agent Configuration’. The Agent configuration window opens.
  • Select the Agent’s language.
  • Type in the OpenLM server name or IP.
  • Type in the OpenLM server port. This is by default 7012.
  • Click the “Check connectivity to OpenLM server” button.

Advanced settings:

  • Logger Configuration File: Type in the location of the Agent Log File.
  • Logging Level: Adjust the Agent’s logging level.
  • Skip Double Instances Alert: This option either enables or blocks alerts when trying to open two agent sessions simultaneously. This option is set active by default.
  • Use Local Computer’s Proxy Settings: This setting may solve issues that originate using a proxy server. This option is set inactive by default.
  • Shut Agent when products Are inactive… : These parameters are relevant for VM servers. When OpenLM closes a licensed application, the VM (e.g: Citrix) is kept in use by the workstation, unnecessarily consuming a license. This configuration shuts down the OpenLM Agent after INACTIVITY_TIME, thus releasing the VM license.


The OpenLM Java Agent window

The OpenLM Java Agent window shows the Feature usage status, per Server, Vendor and User name. Individual user data is also available through the Agent; Mark a chart line and click the “Show Users” button to get more information on the user who is currently using the license. (See license usage information below)

Revision 1.1, Apr29 2012.

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