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Application Note 2036: Set ESRI ArcGIS licensing Level

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Set ArcGIS Licensing level

OpenLM was originally written by ESRI ArcGIS veterans, and as such it still contains various benefits to ESRI users. One of those is the ability to monitor and control ESRI licensing level through the OpenLM EasyAdmin web application, and the OpenLM Agent client tool.

ESRI licensing level

ESRI implementation is unique in the sense that you can activate the ArcMap software in three different licensing levels:

  • Basic (Previously called viewer or ArcView)

  • Standard (Previously called ‘ArcEditor’)

  • Advanced (Previously called ‘ArcInfo’)

ArcGIS end users can set the licensing level before activating the software. If such a license is available, the software will start. In OpenLM version 1.8 we have highly enhanced the licensing level feature:

  • It is now possible to set the licensing level according to available licenses.

  • The user can choose whether to save the ArcGIS licensing level to the Registry, to do it on a user level, or on a system level (for all users – requires administrative permissions).

Setting the license level

In order to view the users licensing level, right click the OpenLM Agent icon. “Set ArcGIS License level” appears on the top of the pop-up menu (Marked by the red arrow).

the following window opens:

The three levels of licenses appear on screen; each with its availability indication.

Also, the mechanism for saving the licensing level is also provided:

  • User Env: A user environment specific for current user

  • System Env: Set the environment variable to all users (requires administrator privileges)

  • Registry (Default): Save the licensing level to the local registry.

Select the

  • Relevant license manager,

  • Required licensing level and

  • Required saving mechanism

and click the ‘Save’ button.

Hide ‘Set ArcGIS License Level’ from agents

The three usage license levels may be presented or hidden from the user according to the system administration policy. In order to prevent end users from changing the license level:

1. Open the OpenLM Easyadmin tool and press the Easyadmin start button (On the bottom left corner of the Easyadmin window). A selection menu pops up.

2. Select Administration. The Following window Appears

3. Select the Active Agent icon, and the “Extension Dedicated” tab. The following window appears:

Apply your decision to the “Hide Set ArcGIS License Level from agents” box;

  • Checked: The ArcGIS license level GUI is NOT presented to the end user.

  • Unchecked (Default): The ArcGIS license level GUI is presented to the user.

4. Click the ‘Save’ button.

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