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ESRI unveils the ArcGIS Pro visualization application

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ESRI has announced the upcoming release of the 10.3 ArcGIS version, scheduled for the 2nd half of 2014. As a side dish it offers the ArcGIS Pro.

What is ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro is designed to be the premier application for visualizing, editing, and performing analysis using local or online ArcGIS content. It holds 2D and 3D display capabilities, and is  64-bit, speed optimized for improved user experience. The ESRI user now controls a contextual interface with tools that appear only when needed, in a surrounding that is highly integrated with other ESRI tools.

Main features

ArcGIS Pro introduces many benefits for ArcMap users. among these are:

  • Project based workflows: The same Data files, i.e. Maps (.mxd), Scenes (.sxd) and Globes (.3DD) can all be imported into ArcGIS Pro. Once in ArcGIS Pro these can be saved and processed as Projects (.aprx).
  • Multiple maps, multiple layout view: ArcGIS Pro introduces a multiple layout approach, enabling data from multiple views to be synchronized and presented together, combining visual information. One such alternative is the combination of 2D and 3D views. See this ESRI presentation for elaboration.
  • Simplification: A predominant motivation in the development of the ArcGIS Pro application has been the simplification of the interface. Much thought has been spent on the optimization and context of menus and functionality. Such is the creation of multiple features by applying “Grouped Feature Templates”.
  • 3D presentation and editing has become more interactive; ArcGIS Pro uses direct feedback and handles for quick and intuitive 3D mapping.
  • Even though it is to be released with the ArcGIS 10.3 version, ArcGIS Pro will be backward compatible with older versions of ArcGIS for desktop versions.


OpenLM is a general purpose application for monitoring floating license usage. As it was originated by ESRI veterans, it provides specific benefits for ESRI users. OpenLM will continue supporting ArcGIS license monitoring into the upcoming version.


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