OpenLM All License Parser Release Version 1.5


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OpenLM All License Parser Version 1.5

The new version of all license parser adds support to the OpenText license server log file. OpenText Desktop Viewer (formerly Imagenation®) allows user to access, share and distribute engineering file like: CAD, 3D CAD, GIS and others.

We have mainly seen a wide use of OpenText Desktop Viewer by our petroleum customers which are also widely implementing other tools such as: Esri ArcGIS, Autodesk, kingdom, petrel and others.

OpenLM server also support OpenText license manager. If you have this license manager in-house please contact support for configuration assistance.

The service is available at:

What’s new in OpenLM Parser Version 1.5

– Open Text log file support

– The report now provides the duration of the time period analysed


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