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OpenLM Maintenance Release: OpenLM Server version

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OpenLM Server version is a maintenance release to OpenLM version 2.0. It contains enhancements and bug fixes to problems found in previous versions. Users for whom these fixes are relevant should upgrade  to this latest version.

Note that this version does not update the OpenLM database, only the OpenLM Server software. If your current OpenLM Server version is no database upgrade will be necesary.

What’s new in OpenLM Server (March 12, 2015)

Fixed Issues:

  • 2913: License usage window zoom in not working properly
  • 2910: Vendor Policy: cannot be saved for Vendor “TRICENTIS_Technology_&_Consulting_GmbH”
  • 2920: Options File Management: nothing except from Users can be associated to a feature
  • 2921:  LMX – support output format of client util 3.32
  • 2673: CodeMeter – Improvement of AnalyzeStatus
  • 2919:  Failed to delete host when one of the foreign key tables has rows
  • 2888: All license numbers (max, min, total, except for Average) need to be presented as integers.
  • 2908: Heat Map gives wrong count version
  • 2890: Denials Report shows data only after clicking twice on “Apply”
  • 2891: Change EM: “Request to server was failed!”
  • 2855: RBS: deactivate Link to LA Report in LU Report if user is not allowed to see LA Report
  • 2856: RBS: The link in “Licenses” to “CCL” should not be there if the user in his role has no access to CCL.



1. Before upgrading, please make sure your system is compliant with the OpenLM System requirements.

  1. If the OpenLM server (of any version) has been already installed on the machine for a period longer than the Evaluation period, A license file will be required . Please make sure you have one before proceeding with the upgrade process.

In order to obtain a valid OpenLM license file, please contact OpenLM support, and provide your MAC address and Hostname (case sensitive).

Upgrading the OpenLM Server (Internal Firebird Database)

  1. Download the OpenLM Server installation file from the ‘Downloads’ section in the OpenLM site.
  2. Stop the OpenLM Server service
  3. Backup your DB file (Typically located in: C:Program Files (x86)OpenLMOpenLM Serverdb)
  4. Make sure ALL windows are closed; especially the services window.
  5. For OpenLM versions 1.8, Install the new version on top of the existing one.
  6. If prompted to do so, contact OpenLM to obtain an up-to-date license file. Please provide your MAC address and Hostname (case sensitive) for that. Copy this file to the “C:Program Files (x86)OpenLMOpenLM ServerLicense”  folder, and restart the OpenLM Server service.
  7. Run the installation file. An OpenLM Server Service restart may be required after installation.

Upgrading the OpenLM Server (External MS-SQL, Oracle, MySQL Database)

If your current version is or earlier please contact OpenLM support at:


For later versions: just run the upgrade process as elaborated in the “Upgrading the OpenLM Server (Internal Firebird Database)” above.

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