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OpenLM monitoring of Aveva PDMS and Aveva Marine licenses.


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Aveva PDMS and Aveva Marine environments

Aveva Marine is a comprehensive suite of software modules for offshore and shipping construction projects. It integrates several views and disciplines into a single project space for superior visualization and integrity between the project components.

Aveva PDMS provides similar capabilities for 3D plant designing. Users are able to select, place, assemble and check the integrity of complex 3D plant schemes.

Aveva licensing

  • In the 12.1 series, Aveva has drifted from the FlexLM solution to the Sentinel RMS license management tool to manage their floating licenses. They still kept the lmutil tools within their installation folders, but from our experience – running these lmutil lmstat commands produced empty results.

  • Instead, license usage information could be obtained by the Sentinel RMS command:  lsmon.exe (In fact – we needed to upgrade the lsmon.exe version to “Sentinel RMS Development Kit Application Monitor” in order to match our Aveva version). OpenLM fully supports Sentinel RMS license monitoring.

  • Another surprise Aveva 12.1 had stored for us was the license file, which was a type of hybrid between FlexLM and RMS. It was in XML format and contained the following headers:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>

<CompositeLicenseFile xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xmlns:xsd=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema”>

<Hostname> … </Hostname>

<RMSlicenseFile> … </RMSlicenseFile>

<FlexLicenseFile> … </FlexLicenseFile>

<ProductFeatureMappingFile> … </ProductFeatureMappingFile>


<RevokeList> … </RevokeList>


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