OpenLM Version – Maintenance release


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Version is a small maintenance release fixing small problems found by our customers that upgraded to version 1.6. We recommend all users of version 1.6. to upgrade their system to this version simply by installing it on-top of their existing version.

What is included in version

OpenLM EasyAdmin – IP Address was added to Active Products & License Activity tabs.
OpenLM Easyadmin – Fixed problem of loosing task bar on re-size.
OpenLM Easyadmin – Added v-scroll for Groups/Projects in user form.
OpenLM Easyadmin – Allowing multi-selection in projects form (when used in search mode).
OpenLM Easyadmin – users search is also searching on first/last name.
Install Process – Setup process made simple by removing external DB configuration from install.
OpenLM Server Configuration Form – Allow users to activate authentication and set admin password.
OpenLM Server Configuration Form – Make server monitoring stop/start icons clearer.
OpenLM Server – Update lmutil to version 11.9.1.
OpenLM Agent – Fix ‘Run As’ message for pre-vista users (Windows Server 2003, Windows XP).

OpenLM Broker –

Two version of OpenLM Broker are now available for download:
– OpenLM Broker for Windows
– OpenLM Broker for Unix/Linux

  • The updated version contains the following improvements:
  • Add status and data_inquery command for IBM LUM.
  • Add FLEXlm lmutil.exe and IBM LUM i4blt to setup.
  • Set data_inquiry to be periodic.
  • Changing logging level does not require restart.
  • Adding restart to UI.
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