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Trouble Shoot Form: Database Item 003 (Following data migration from SQL to FB, EasyAdmin doesn’t show any logging)

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Title Following data migration from SQL to FB, EasyAdmin doesn’t show any logging
Category Database
Date Sep 25, 2011
Handled by Rachel
Relevant Links (link to mantis item, docs, customer correspondence etc.)
Applies to license managers FLEXlm, FLEXnet publisher, IBM LUM, HASP, RLM, Sentinel RMS, LM-X, DSLS
Applies to license model Floating licenses, Network licenses, Concurrent licenses
Symptoms Customer complained that EasyAdmin does not show any stats.
Observed during investigation
Trouble shoot process
Solution Found (Found/Pending/Known Issue)


A customer complains that: “I have successfully connected the new database, BUT nothings seems to be logging. I have no stats showing on the EasyAdmin screen.”

Trouble shoot process

1. Make sure the license servers list is defined at the “OpenLM Server Configuration Form”
2. All settings of OpenLM are saved in the database. When you migrate to a different database (e.g.: from SQL to FB), you need to re-enter the license servers list.

  1. Switch to Firebird.
  2. Open “OpenLM Configuration Form”, navigate to “Advanced” panel, click “Export…” button and save the settings to a file.
  3. Close “OpenLM Configuration Form”.
  4. Switch to SQLServer.
  5. Open “OpenLM Configuration Form” again and you will see that servers list is empty.
  6. Navigate to “Advanced” panel, click “Import…” and import the file you saved earlier.
  7. Click “Apply” and restart OpenLM server.
  8. Check EasyAdmin.
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