The following is a log of all enhancements and bug fixes that will be introduced with OpenLM End-User Services releases.
34404: PersonalDashboard: Tables do not save user settings
33746: Personal Dashboard: Projects: Users with no permission to add project should not have this option displayed
33711: Personal Dashboard: Projects: Search is not working
33603: End-User Services: Allow the user to check connectivity with OpenLM Server in installer
33508: Personal Dashboard - Clear processes dialog
35461: Personal Dashboard - SSL configuration page
35460: End-User Services: Add SSL connection
34725: Make the erros visible in the UI
34718: Personal Dashboard: Change format of exported files to CSV
34387: Rearrange table columns in License repository
34040: Projects pop-up menu
33610: Added a field to display imported authorization file
35891: Case sensitivity prevents users from selecting a project
35868: EUS SSL configuration triggers changes updated Server settings
35800: Upgrading causes deletion of the SSL settings and authorization file
35761: Importing authorization file asksfor clientType property value
35591: End-User Services - Support LicenseRepository pagination
35583: TheLicense Repository is not listing all the features in EasyAdmin
35444: Personal Dashboard is not working with SSL
34809: The Agent and EUS Linux installers - are overwriting settings files on upgrade
34719: Number of licenses in use is not displayed correctly in the 'License in use' table
36248: Personal Dashboard freezes with 4000 projects
36198: Personal Dashboard - License Repository user info card issues
36071: Personal Dashboard: Recently closed: Sort for 'Action' column is not working properly
35980: Personal Dashboard - Minor UI changes
35866: End-User Services: Installer: Wrong message is displayed when password does not match certificate
33603: End-User Services: Allow the user to check connectivity with OpenLM Server in installer
33208: End-User Service: Added Push notifications fallback mechanism
32136: Personal Dashboard - Project Page Notifications
30562: End-User Services - Added Browser notifications
36744: Add SSL Settings for Server
36724: Freed License Notification
31736: Nw API for "Usage by projects"
37163: End-User Services: EUS SSL checkbox is not enabled automatically on upgrade
36974: Installer: No SSL configuration is displayed for Cloud mode
36425: Personal Dashboard: "Restore Default Columns" action broke "License in Use table"
35733: Personal Dashboard: UI fixes
35930: End-User Services: Installer: UI improvements
36168: Personal Dashboard - Security tab - Authentication and Identity
37589: End-User Services: wrong default value for the environment variable ESRISOFTWARECLASS_PRO
37588: Personal Dashboard: Notifications issues
37401: Personal Dashboard: Usage by projects issue
37120: Personal Dashboard: Usage by projects: Scroll bar issue
36309: Personal Dashboard does not open in Safari browser
38652: Settings: Tabs inside settings page are not displayed correctly
38520: Personal Dashboard - Cloud: Pages naming - UI issue
38512: Cloud: Personal Dashboard: Project: When the user changes a project - the 'Usage by projects' table is empty
38495: Mismatched IPs between a running Agent and the suspended process' AgentInfo
37982, 37983, 38301, 38403, 37497 : Personal Dashboard: UI issues
37861: Personal Dashboard: Clear read button is not correctly displayed in Notification window on Safari browser
37843: Projects: Cannot find a project when it starts with upper case but searching with lower case and vice versa
38179: End-User Services: Updated Agent-Policies API
38154: Personal Dashboard: Settings page - a new tab called "ArcGIS Settings"
38153: Personal Dashboard: Product Licensing Level Changes
37583: End-User Services: Settings: New tab called ArcGIS Settings
37827: Personal Dashboard: Workstations overview page
37632: Installer - removed cloud installation
36284: New tooltip: "It is mandatory to select the current project you are working on. This is required by your organization."
39329: End-User Services: Update notifications mechanism
39176: Personal Dashboard - Add Mobile notifications
39048: Personal Dashboard: Mobile: Settings pages read-only
38901: Personal Dashboard: Workstation overview mobile page
38012: Personal Dashboard: Design - Mobile QR code generator
35738: Personal Dashboard - SSL Page (Mobile view)
32266: Product licensing level - new responsive design
32264: Projects page - new responsive design
32262: Recently Closed - new responsive design
32260: License Repository Page responsiveness design adjustments
30253: Personal Dashboard development as Progressive Web Application app
39267: Error Failed to update security/ SSL settings"
38677: Error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
36071: Recently closed: Sort for 'Action' column is not working properly
37820: Different behavior for showing Features between the view into Agent v5.X and the new Personal Dashboard
38549: Recently closed: Not all processes are cleared when selecting to clear all
39377: Personal Dashboard: Cloud: 'No Agents are running' error
39701: Projects: Clicking on 'Add project' the background is changing the size
39763: License in use: Clicking on the page, the 3 dots menu is not closed
39840: End-User Services: Installer: When providing incorrect password it is possible to go further
39910: License in use: Expanding the column moves the 3 dots menu
39918: Product licensing level: When no product is available, in Server field no 'NA' text is displayed
39427, 39817: Personal Dashboard: resizeable/scalable windows
40513: Mobile Personal Dashboard - injection document error
41163: Personal Dashboard: Implement get released process screenshot
41154: EUS: Use only one Redis database on storing the client information
38196: End-User Services: Migrate EUS to .NET 6
36332: EUS: Time Zone Setting
28770: Personal Dashboard- Agent tab - License Repository - Actions: Send notification, Send an email, Call the user
25058: Workstation Agent - Implement missing UpdateScreenShot, multiplatform
37944: Personal Dashboard - File path is not fully visible
42152: Personal Dashboard: No Workstation Agents appear in the Live feed page
42052: Personal Dashboard: Mobile: Selecting a log level for the first Agent, it is changed and for the second one
42051: Personal Dashboard: Mobile: Selected log level is not cleared clicking 'CANCEL' button
42000: Personal Dashboard: Live feed, Workstation overview and Timezone issues
41970: End-User Services: Upgrade: Not possible to finish installation
41943: Personal Dashboard: When selecting a time zone, the date&time is not updated automatically
41833: Personal Dashboard: Live feed: When 2 Agents are connected to one EUS, log level is not changed for the right Agent
41832: Personal Dashboard: Recently closed: When screenshot for released processes are removed from the folder, the icons are still displayed in PD
41760: Personal Dashboard: Life feed: Log level is changed going to another page
41579: Personal Dashboard: Mobile: Open logs location - text issue
41577: Personal Dashboard: Mobile: Live feed: Agent is not selected automatically
41571: Personal Dashboard: Live feed: Restart Workstation Agent - text issue
41458: Personal Dashboard: License in use: Icon is missing for 'Send in-app request' button
41120: Personal Dashboard: Recently closed: Workstation - undefined
40988: Personal Dashboard: Named user licenses visibility issue 

40513: Mobile PD - injection document error
39908: Cloud Personal Dashboard: License in use - 'Items per page' dropdown is not working

41807: Addressing a known vulnerability in the Newtonsoft JSON library by replacing the current version with a secure one
48795: Database limitation causing inaccurate evaluation of license modules with exceedingly high license counts
51369: Restoring default columns in the Personal Dashboard inadvertently disrupts the column containing checkboxes
51368: Incorrect positioning of license repository icons in the End-User Services interface
51230: An unexpected display of the authorization file during an upgrade when the previous authorization type was set to "I'm not using security."
50064: Discrepancy in the OpenLM Personal Dashboard where sessions are incorrectly displayed as idle despite no idle time being recorded
49691: Inability to restart suspended NX processes directly from the OpenLM Personal Dashboard
46809: The End-User Services configuration is susceptible to potential errors due to a lack of thread safety measures
42661: Loading failure of the user interface when the service starts before Identity and Server components

38697: The default authorization type is incorrectly set during the installation process
47543: ArcGIS Save & Close function does not show the saved path in the Personal Dashboard