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Managing autodesk network licenses using OpenLM Software

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OpenLM Software provides management tools for FLEXlm licensed Autodesk licenses. Many sites that use Autodesk software are also using OpenLM software for managing the use of Network Licenses (ADLM) also called concurrent or floating licenses.

OpenLM is not only a management software, it actively helps CAD managers and system administrators to get more usage out of their existing pool of Autodesk Network licenses.

The software functionality

OpenLM provides the full set of management tools required by CAD managers and system administrators for managing Autodesk network licenses.

Some of the common tasks in license management are:

  • Managing the existing license inventory.
  • Checking existing active sessions.
  • Removing hang-up licenses and releasing idle sessions.
  • Collecting usage time for users, groups and projects.
  • Generating usage reports and charts.
  • Planning future purchase of licenses.
  • Helping users to get the licenses they need.

A good license management software will allow the user to perform this functionality. A very good software does more:

  • Provides a friendly interface that runs on any standard browser.
  • Allows a system administrator to save and close an Autodesk software remotely.
  • Allows the synchronization of users and groups information with Active Directory.
  • Support billing policy for groups or projects.
  • Allows the editing of FLEXlm option files using a graphical UI.
  • Automatically detects and closes idle licenses when licenses are needed.
  • Provides “License Availability Notifications” for users that were denied of licenses.
  • Empowers end users to help themselves and by that save administration hours.

Why is it important to close idle sessions of Autodesk software

Users tend to grab an Autodesk network license from the license pool, for example, Autodesk Autocad, Autodesk Revit or other licenses. They may use it for while and then use other applications or leave their workstation and go away.

OpenLM constantly monitors the license usage of the Autodesk network licenses. When the requirement for license is high OpenLM starts closing idle licenses in order to assure that every user will receive the license he needs.

From our experience, organizations can achieve 40% more usage out of their existing license pool using this functionality.

How can I get OpenLM for Autodesk software?

The fully functional software can be downloaded from OpenLM website.

Which Autodesk software is supported?

AutoCad, AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Civil 3D, AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD MAP 3D, AutoCAD Mechanical, AutoCAD MEP, AutoCAD Inventor, AutoCAD Navisworks, AutoCAD Revit and more.

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