OpenLM is a license management and monitoring system for a wide variety of Network license types, such as FLEXlm, IBM LUM, DSLS etc. As part of the new milestone version 3.0, OpenLM now supports the LS-DYNA license manager as well.
LS-DYNA is a finite element simulation tool produced by LSTC: Livermore Software Technology Corporation. LS-DYNA accommodates a series of peripheral tools such as LS-OPT, LS_PREPOST, LS_TASC and THUMS. Together they comprise a wide variety of applicable physics simulation subjects, from fluid dynamics to car safety. LS-DYNA’s proprietary license manager controls the deployment of network licenses for the different LS-DYNA features.
The OpenLM benefit
OpenLM provides a clear method of viewing the current utilization of LS-DYNA licenses, as well as accumulating license usage statistics and patterns, and manage idle licenses.