OpenLM Software reports all aspects of license usage such as license inventory, used licenses, users, workstations and more. An important information for system administrator is to know the IP address of the workstation that pulls the license.
Some floating license manager do not report the IP addresses of the workstations that pull the licenses. The IP address is mostly important for international companies. In such companies  the system administrator can recognize the location of the use according to the IP address.
OpenLM Server is able resolve the IP address of workstations using network services and by that, provide this important information.
DNS resolving configuration
DNS configuration is executed as a background process in OpenLM Server. The configuration is done in OpenLM Server Configuration form->Advanced TAB
The settings are:
1. DNS resolving (true/false)
2. Resolve time
If DNS resolving is set to true (checked), then the process will take place every 24 hours at the set time.
For example, at The screenshot below, DNS resolving is set to take place every night at midnight.
Before the first occurrence of the process, no IP addresses will be shown. Between occurrences of the resolving process some workstation may be shown without IP address.
IP Addresses in OpenLM Interface
IP address shows in every tab or report that lists workstation names. For example, in the workstations TAB:
The user can configure his EasyAdmin interface to show or hide the any column, including this field using OpenLM interface.
About OpenLM
OpenLM is a license management system that supports all popular license managers including: FLEXlm, FLEXnet, IBM LUM, SafeNet HASP, SafeNet RMS, RLM and more.
OpenLM Also provides dedicated solutions for popular systems such as Autodesk software or ESRI ArcGIS. The software OpenLM for ESRI ArcGIS and OpenLM for Autodesk provides a unique solution for organizations that allows them to get more usage out of their existing licenses.