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OpenLM is set to participate at the SAMS Europe 2014 in Berlin Germany

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OpenLM is thrilled to be a part of the upcoming Sams-Europe 2014 conference in the Berlin Germany. Companies and industry leaders involved with implementation of enterprise-wide SLM and SAM, will be there to discuss current challenges and innovations in Software Asset Management.

OpenLM is a leading provider of solutions for monitoring the utilization of a wide variety of software platforms. Vendors such as Dassault Systemes, Siemens PLM, AutoDesk, IBM, Mathworks, Solidworks, PTC, and others offer concurrent usage license models which can all be monitored and analyzed using OpenLM solutions.

With a growing global customer base of a variety of industries, OpenLM has been able to provide Managers and License Administrators alike the following:

  • A clear picture of license inventory and utilization, providing a factual basis for educated procurement decisions
  • The ability to keeps a vigil eye on license usage to constantly ensure compliance
  • Optimizes license utilization, enhances work productivity

We look forward to meeting you on September 18 – 19, 2014 at Maritim Proarte hotel, Berlin Germany.

For more information, please visit: www.openlm.com

To set up a one-on-one meeting with our team at the SAMS Europe 2014 Conference, or any questions about our attendance at Conference, Please contact Ms. Chen Shifrin at chen@openlm.com


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