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OpenLM Newsletter 2012 #01

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Dear valued OpenLM users,

On this first edition of the OpenLM 2012 Newsletter I would like to greet you all, and wish you a happy and successful new year. 2011 has been very good for us here at OpenLM, all thanks to your support. Our team has grown bigger, and is now able to provide better support to our improved product.

We are proud to introduce the OpenLM Mobile touch interface. This interface may run on any mobile device operating system; e.g.: IOs, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile etc. With the help of some of our faithful customers, we have managed to perform a successful Beta trial for this interface. The OpenLM Mobile Touch interface is available to all customers under a valid maintenance agreement with no additional cost.

Based upon requests from our customers, and following Dassault Systemes migration from IBM-LUM to their proprietary DSLS license manager, OpenLM has quickly adapted to provide support to DSLS. We look forward to receiving further customer requests, in order to meet our users’ needs.

We have recently launched a new and enhanced company website. This site is clearer, more informative, useful and generally – nicer than our old one. Among other things, It features a new introductory animated video on OpenLM. We hope that you will like it.

Best Regards,

Oren Gabay, CEO

OpenLM updates

OpenLM goes mobile !


The OpenLM EasyAdmin Mobile application enables system administrators to keep track of the license management systems, while being out of office. This document describes the essentials of the OpenLM EasyAdmin for mobile application; installing the application, and running it on a Mobile set.Read more…


OpenLM Live Webinars

OpenLM is now hosting a couple of Online Webex Webinars each week. This Webinars give an overview of the OpenLM system; its components and capabilities, and is intended for newbies as well as for experienced users. Please check out the date for the next webex Webinar on OpenLM’s site.

OpenLM resources

OpenLM introductory video






OpenLM Video tutorials: OpenLM server configuration – License server tab







OpenLM Video tutorials: Active Directory Synchronization







Monthly Articles

Get more out of your floating licenses

Being this our first edition of the OpenLM Newsletter for 2012, We found it adequate to give a brief summary of what the OpenLM utilizer actually is. This is good reading material for Newbees, and nice to remember for more experienced users. Read more…

OpenLM system structure

Another important article for first timers, this one elaborates all about the OpenLM system structure; Where should every module be installed, and what are the interconnections between them. Read more…

Products and Packaged licenses in OpenLMs EasyAdmin web application

This Article deals with two adjacent subjects: Renaming features as products, and gathering these features into licensed packages in the OpenLM EasyAdmin web application. Read more…

Configuring FLEXlm FLEXnet Option File Using OpenLM Easy Admin

FLEXlm (Flexera FLEXnet) option files grant license administrators close control over various operating parameters within the constraints of the license model. Licensed features can be dedicated, denied or reserved to users or groups of users, according to the option files setting.

The OpenLM solution incorporates synchronization of License administration tools with the organizations LDAP (Active Directory), keeping the FLEXlm option file up-to-date as users leave or join the organization, or move between groups. Read more…


Points of interest

IBM Rational – FlexNet Token based licensing:

The IBM Rational License Server uses FLEXnet for licensing IBM Rational products. This article presents the main characteristics of FlexNet Token based licensing, and the benefits of this method. Read more…

Autodesk cascade licensing and the PLIST

Cascade Licensing allows a product to obtain a license from a network license manager pool when that license manager is servicing more than one product. Cascading was implemented primarily to address mixed-product environments where both suite and base products co-exist.

Read more…

FlexNet Producer Suite Is Distinguished by the Frost & Sullivan 2011 Market Share Leadership Award for Software-Enforced License Management

The Frost & Sullivan Award for Market Share Leadership is presented to the company that has demonstrated excellence in capturing the highest market share within a segment of its industry. Read more…

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