As several customers have recently inquired whether OpenLM would support the Aspentech Software License ManagerĀ (‘SLM’), we looked into it and found that SLM relies on the Sentinel RMS license management tool. Specifically, in their “Quick Guide to Installing and Configuring the SLM” document, AspenTech clearly notes that “AspenTechĀ V7.3 SLM licensing system uses Sentinel RMS License Manager version 8.4”.
It also states that “If Sentinel RMS License ManagerĀ version 8.4 server is installed on your network license server machine …Ā you can skip the installation of the network license server and proceed to installing the network license file and configuring the network license server options.”
We have verified this information with two of our clients, and found that OpenLM does indeed monitor Aspentech SLM license management information, and providesĀ application usage management for Aspentech.