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Application Note 1101: Upgrade guide of OpenLM Version 1.7 to1.8


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Changes in OpenLM 1.8

OpenLM version 1.8 has integrated profound improvements, enhancements and bug fixes to its predecessor – OpenLM 1.7. These changes are relevant to the OpenLM server and Database, as well as the OpenLM Broker and Agent. Please see this document for an overview of what’s new in version 1.8.

Gradual migration stages

In order to take advantage of these significant changes, we recommend a gradual migration of versions, from 1.7 to 1.8;

1. Sandbox installation

First Install OpenLM 1.8 alongside version 1.7 as a sandbox installation, to ensure complete compliance with your system’s configuration, and familiarize yourself with the changes made to the OpenLM tool. OpenLM server 1.8 should be installed on a different machine than the OpenLM Server 1.7. The OpenLM Broker 1.8 should be installed side by side with the OpenLM Broker 1.7, on the License server machine. Please read more about this here:

Application Note 1100: Dual OpenLM Installation: 1.8 beta version in conjunction with OpenLM 1.7

2. Perform a preliminary upgrade test.

The level of this preliminary test varies according to your needs. If 24/7 service level is required, then a comprehensive system installation and verification will be recommended. A short DB upgrade test will suffice for lesser customer requirements.

3. Upgrade the production environment from 1.7 to 1.8.

Two different procedures are outlined in this document. One is for installations that use the embedded Firebird database. The other is for installations that use an external database, i.e.: Oracle, MS-SQL or MySQL. (This type of installation requires additional licensing). The two procedures are further divided into a full and a preliminary check procedure.

OpenLM customers are welcomed to contact our support team and consult them about any upgrade issues.

Short preliminary check procedure for embedded database configuration

1. Backup the database !

Note that the backup stage is mandatory, since the database upgrade process can be sensitive to hardware and software problems. Starting the upgrade process without backing up your database file may compromise your data.

Stop the “OpenLM Server” Windows Service, navigate to the location of your OpenLM Server database file (typically “C:Program FilesOpenLMOpenLM ServerdbOPENLM_DB.FDB”), and backup the database file.


Choose a test workstation  (Any supported platform, e.g. Windows 7 or server OS) and take the following steps:

  • Install OpenLM Server version 1.8 on the test machine.

  • Stop the “OpenLM Server” windows service (on the workstation).

  • Copy your production database and replace the new installation’s db, typically located at “C:Program FilesOpenLMOpenLM ServerdbOPENLM_DB.FDB”.

  • Run Start → OpenLM → Server → Tools → Upgrade Database from Earlier Versions to upgrade your database and make sure that no errors are reported.

Now you can upgrade your production system.

Short preliminary check procedure for external databases

1. Backup the database !

Note that the backup stage is mandatory since the database upgrade process can be sensitive to hardware and software problems. Starting the upgrade process without backing up your database file may compromise your data.

Stop the “OpenLM Server” Windows Service, and back up the OpenLM Database.

2. Upgrade the database

  • Download the respective database upgrade script (For Oracle, MS-SQL or MySQL) from OpenLM Downloads area.

  • Stop OpenLM Server service and then Run the upgrade script in order to upgrade the database.

  • Make sure that no error messages are reported.

Now you can upgrade your production system.

Full Upgrade procedure with preliminary check for embedded database configuration

1. Backup the database !

Note that the backup stage is mandatory, since the database upgrade process can be sensitive to hardware and software problems. Starting the upgrade process without backing up your database file may compromise your data.

Stop the “OpenLM Server” Windows Service, navigate to the location of your OpenLM Server database file (typically “C:Program FilesOpenLMOpenLM ServerdbOPENLM_DB.FDB”), and backup the database file.

2. Test the database upgrade process (optional)

Choose a test workstation (Not your current OpenLM Server) and take the following steps:

  • Install OpenLM Server version 1.7. (the exact version you currently use) on a workstation (Any supported platform, e.g. Windows 7 or server OS).

  • Stop the “OpenLM Server” windows service on both the test workstation, and the Production server.

  • Replace the database with a copy of your production database, typically located at “C:Program FilesOpenLMOpenLMServerdbOPENLM_DB.FDB”

  • Start the “OpenLM Server” windows service on both the test workstation, and the Production server..

  • Upgrade the system by installing OpenLM Server 1.8 on-top of this installation and follow the instructions.

Test the new installation.

3. Make sure the Database backup is stored in a safe place and upgrade the production system.

This upgrade is simple – just install the new 1.8 package on your production server. It will update both the software and the database. The OpenLM service will not be available during the upgrade process.

4. Update the OpenLM Agent.

OpenLM Agent versions prior to 1.8 are not compatible with OpenLM Server 1.8. The OpenLM Agent must be upgraded on all workstations. OpenLM users can download and install the OpenLM Agent on every workstation using floating licenses.

OpenLM supports various distribution methods including start up scripts and network management systems. Check this blog post for more information about OpenLM Agent silent install.

5. Install the OpenLM Broker on any license server managed by OpenLM.

The OpenLM Broker is an optional component that highly enhances the capabilities of the OpenLM Software.

New installation: If the OpenLM Broker is not already installed, download the latest OpenLM Broker version from the OpenLM site’s downloads section, and install it on each license server machine. On Windows’ machines, the OpenLM Broker will automatically detect the license managers that exist on that machine, and will just need to be configured to interface the OpenLM server.

Recurring installation: If an older OpenLM Broker version 1.7 is already installed, a selection window will pop up during the OpenLM Broker 1.8 installation, prompting the user to select between two options:

  • Side by side: Will install both versions on the license server machine.

  • Upgrade: Will install OpenLM Broker 1.8 over the existing version of the software.

Full Upgrade procedure with preliminary check for sites that use an external database

The OpenLM Server can work with Oracle, Ms-SQL and MySQL external databases. This procedure is relevant to users who have chosen to work with any of these external databases.

1. Backup the database !

Note that the backup stage is mandatory, since the database upgrade process can be sensitive to hardware and software problems. Starting the upgrade process without backing up your database file may compromise your data.

2. Upgrade the database

Download the appropriate database upgrade script from the OpenLM Downloads menu.

Stop OpenLM Server service and run the script in order to upgrade the database.

3. Upgrade the production system.

To Upgrade your production system, install the new package 1.8 over your production server. It will update the software while preserving all your settings. The OpenLM service will not be available during the upgrade process.

Test the system!

4. Update the OpenLM Agent.

OpenLM Agent versions prior to 1.8 are not compatible with OpenLM Server 1.8. The OpenLM Agent must be upgraded on all workstations. OpenLM users can download and install the OpenLM Agent on every workstation using floating licenses.

OpenLM supports various distribution methods including start up scripts and network management systems. Check this blog post for more information about OpenLM Agent silent install.

5. Install the OpenLM Broker on any license server managed by OpenLM.

The OpenLM Broker is an optional component that highly enhances the capabilities of the OpenLM Software.

New installation: If the OpenLM Broker is not already installed, download the latest OpenLM Broker version from the OpenLM site’s downloads section, and install it on each license server machine. On Windows’ machines, the OpenLM Broker will automatically detect the license managers that exist on that machine, and will just need to be configured to interface the OpenLM server.

Recurring installation: If an older OpenLM Broker version 1.7 is already installed, a selection window will pop up during the OpenLM Broker 1.8 installation, prompting the user to select between two choices:

  • Side by side: Will install both versions on the license server machine.

  • Upgrade: Will install OpenLM Broker 1.8 over the existing version of the software.

OpenLM Contacts

If you encounter any issue during the upgrade process, or require technical assistance please refer to our support team, and we will be glad to help:


OpenLM contact form.

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