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What is DSLS

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DSLS (Dassault Systemes License Server) is – as the name implies – Dassault Systemes’ proprietary license management tool.

This tool is in charge of enrolling Dassault licenses on the server; Dassault applications that are installed on end-user workstations communicate with the license server over the network. The license server either grants or denies a license from the client, based on license availability and license agreement compliance.

Dassault Systemes was established in the late 1970s as an aviation engineering company. It developed the CATIA CAD software tool in collaboration with IBM, and centered itself in the 3D mechanical design market.

In recent years Dassault has expanded to include other prominent CAD and engineering software, such as PLM, Solidworks, 3DVIA and Simulia. Consequently, DSLS has become increasingly substantial in managing CAD and engineering software, often shunning out other license management tools such as IBM-LUM.


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