What is new in version 1.7 of OpenLM


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  1. Active Agent support for almost any flexlm licensed software system. This is added to the support for ESRI and Autodesk software in version 1.6.
  2. Active Directory grouping for license usage billing is now more flexible. We support REGEX expressions, and many grouping methods that may apply to different organizations.
  3. A desktop-like work environment provides a more flexible and powerful environment.
  4. Localization for EasyAdmin  and OpenLM Agent interface (Spanish is currently supported, more languages will follow).
  5. Better support for triad (fail safe) environment. The user is able to configure a virtual server that can be composed of multiple physical servers. Reporting is tide to the virtual server, not to the physical server.
  6. Improved charting – hot linking from the chart line to the usage report and color selection interface.
  7. Working with application names instead of server/port combination.
  8. Removed pop-up acknowledgment messages from EasyAdmin interface (users & group management).
  9. Better support for different ESRI ArcGIS extensions in OpenLM.
  10. Controlling license server from EasyAdmin interface (Start, Stop, Reread).
  11. Support for unlimited number of usage sessions improved.
  12. Modern interface for EasyAdmin Agent.
  13. New and improved email alerts.
  14. Better filtering over all windows.
  15. Overall interface improvements.


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