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Flexnet publisher version 11.12.1 has been released

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What is new in Flexnet publisher 11.12.1

The following features have been added to version 11.12.1 in comparison to its predecessor – version 11.12.

Binding items in a Virtual Environment

Felxnet Publisher has elevated the trust requirements on virtual environments. The VMID (Virtual Machine Instance ID) has been deprecated, and in its place – the MAC address, UUID (Universally unique ID) and Generation ID are all being used (where exist) to bind the Flexnet publisher installation to a specific virtual machine.


The Lmutil ‘Lmremove’ argument has been added to Trusted-Storage based Licensing. It facilitates borrowed licenses’ reclaim when enabled by the License vendor.

New Options file parameter: ACTIVATION_LOWWATER

This option enables license administrators to control the number of hybrid and activatable license that cannot be borrowed or transferred.

New Options file parameter: ACTIVATION_ EXPIRY_DAYS

Flexnet Publisher controls license activations based on the number of expiration days. If the expiration date is greater than the date set in the options file then the activation will not be successful.

OpenLM interoperability

OpenLM has been tested with the new Flexnet version and found compatible. Support for the new Options files’ administration parameters (Activation_lowwater and Activation_Expiry_Days) has been added to the list of required features, and will be implemented soon.

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