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OpenLM Maintenance Release Version: OpenLM Server

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OpenLM Server version

OpenLM Server version is an official maintenance release to OpenLM version 2.0. It contains some bug fixes to problems found in previous versions and enhancements. We recommend that all users of previous OpenLM Server 2.0 versions would upgrade to this latest version.

What’s new in OpenLM Server (July 29, 2014)

  1. 0002127: [EasyAdmin] Tutorial is not loading though there is access to the internet
  2. 0002120: [General] Options file: group name with whitespace needs to have quotation marks
  3. 0002119: [EasyAdmin] Can not download files from Broker with Easy Admin
  4. 0002124: [EasyAdmin] Option file management shows option files for deleted/disabled servers
  5. 0002123: [OpenLM Server] Files fetch – do not show files with empty path
  6. 0001841: [General] File reading from the OpenLM Server side does not show manually selected license files
  7. 0002115: [EasyAdmin] License Usage Report : one day & aggregation “Day”
  8. 0001972: [EasyAdmin] tutorial still shows even when unchecking it
  9. 0002107: [EasyAdmin] Same color for all features in license usage window
  10. 0002116: [OpenLM Alerts] Please correct “No license ouput was received from OpenLM Broker” in Alerts
  11. 0002093: [OpenLM Server] FDB Database grew from 200MB to 800 in 20 days (after upgrading to OpenLM Server 2.0)
  12. 0002077: [OpenLM Server] Configuration form – LUM triad – cluster name can not be empty
  13. 0002106: [OpenLM Server] “&” in Role description causes Server “Error”
  14. 0002102: [OpenLM Server] LUM: OpenLM erroneously counts expired Licenses
  15. 0002104: [OpenLM Server] adding db version data to server log header
  16. 0002064: [OpenLM Server] When multiple vendors are reported in lmutil output, and the 1st vendor is DOWN, No licenses are shown in EasyAdmin
  17. 0002082: [OpenLM Server] OpenLM Server Configuration shows DSLS password in readable format
  18. 0002079: [OpenLM Server] Windows authentication for MS-SQL does not work.
  19. 0002099: [OpenLM Server] ResetSync after changing UsernameAttribute – works only on Firebird (efrat) – resolved.


  1. Before upgrading please make sure your system is compliant with the OpenLM System requirements.
  2. If the OpenLM server (of any version) has been already installed on the machine for a period longer than the Evaluation period, A license file will be required . Please make sure you have one before proceeding with the upgrade process. In order to obtain a valid OpenLM license file, please contact OpenLM support, and provide your MAC address and Hostname (case sensitive).

Upgrading the OpenLM Server (Internal Firebird Database)

  1. In order to upgrade to version
  2. Download the OpenLM Server installation file from the OpenLM site’s ‘Downloads’ section
  3. Stop the OpenLM Server service
  4. Backup your DB file (Typically located in: C:Program Files (x86)OpenLMOpenLM Serverdb)
  5. Make sure ALL windows are closed; especially the services window.
  6. Install the new version on top of the existing one.
  7. If prompted to do so, contact OpenLM to obtain an up-to-date license file. Please provide your MAC address and Hostname (case sensitive) for that. Copy this file to the C:Program Files (x86)OpenLMOpenLM ServerLicense folder, and restart the OpenLM Server service.

Upgrading the OpenLM Server (External MS-SQL Database)

In order to upgrade to version, please contact OpenLM support at



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