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IBM LUM i4blt command reference – KB

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Even though the IBM LUM license monitoring tool has decreased in popularity over the past several years, it is still a widely spread tool for monitoring and tracking license usage of many CAD applications.

The OpenLM license monitoring tool extracts information from a variety of license managers, such as Flexnet / FlexLM, DSLS, Sentinel HASP, Sentinel RMS, Reprise RLM, and – of course, IBM LUM. OpenLM extracts comprehensive license reports and obtains license statistics for all these license managers.

In order to interface the IBM LUM license manager, OpenLM employs the i4blt command.
The i4blt command is very versatile; its usage depends on the attached i4blt flag options. The following document is a reference to some of these flags.



There are several syntax rules to be met:
1. Named strings containing spaces must be presented within single quotation marks.
2. Names are case sensitive
3. Listed values must be presented within double quotation marks, e.g.:

i4blt -lp -n my_server -v "'Vend A' 'Vend B'"

4. Parameters that appear within options are position specific, e.g.: vendor information in the i4blt -E (Enrollment) option include vendor_name, vendor_id, and vendor_password.


Command references

The following are reference examples of the i4blt command:



In order to obtain current license usage information, OpenLM employs the i4blt -s -lc option


The list display option with the ‘n’ flag lists the servers that are monitored by the IBM LUM.

I4BLT -R1 -E

The r1 report type enables the extraction of further information. This example shows license-related event logging, in this case: license release.

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