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Why LUM licenses don’t show up in OpenLM EasyAdmin?

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LUM licenses don’t show up in EasyAdmin.



1. Upgrade the OpenLM Broker on the license server machine.
2. As part of the OpenLM package, the latest version of the I4BLT.EXE file is supplied. This file may not be interoperable (version too new) with the licensed application version. If this is the case, please follow these steps:


Changing port configuration

1. Open the OpenLM Broker configuration tool
2. Select the relevant License server –> Commands node.
3. In the “Update path for commands” section, either input manually or browse to the path of the I4BLT.EXE file in the LUM folder, originally supplied by the application vendor (typically C:IFORWINIBM)
4. Click Update then Apply.
5. Click Restart Broker.

This configuration change may also be achieved by individually typing the I4BLT.EXE file path in each Broker command text boxes (“Status”, “Data_Inquiry”, etc).

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