Interfacing Salesforce with OpenLM


Learn the steps to interface Salesforce with OpenLM. The aim is to monitor the usage and obtain license statistics.


To query Salesforce, the following components must be present:

  1. An OpenLM SLMC account or OpenLM Server v24 or higher installed on a machine in your organization.
  2. OpenLM Broker v24.6 or higher installed on a machine in your network and connected to the OpenLM Server.
  3. A Salesforce account.
  4. Follow Salesforce’s official guide to generate the necessary Consumer Key and Consumer Secret: How to generate Consumer Key and Consumer Secret of a Connected App – Salesforce

Note: besides the Salesforce required information (marked in red),

you need to enable the API OAuth setting and select Full OAuth scope, which is necessary to interface OpenLM with Salesforce.

When the process is completed, access the Manage Consumer Details to see the Consumer Key and Consumer ID. Save those for later usage.

OpenLM Broker configuration

Configure the OpenLM Broker to monitor Salesforce using Broker UI

  1. Access your Broker UI in Chrome/Edge/Firefox, e.g.: http://localhost:5090/.
  2. Navigate to the License Managers tab → Add License Manager. A pop-up appears:
  3. From the drop-down list, select LM, type Salesforce, and enter the Port number. Although the port number is not used for capturing data, it must be defined as it is required by the Server for Licensing purposes.
  4. Click ADD. The Salesforce configuration screen appears, showing the Commands tab.
  5. Switch to the Vendors tab and enter the Salesforce as a vendor (not mandatory).
  6. Switch to the Advanced tab. Hover over the row for the pen icon to appear and click on it to input the following values:
    clientId, which corresponds to Consumer ID in Salesforce;
    clientSecret, which corresponds to Consumer Secret in Salesforce;
    password – Salesforce password;
    username – Salesforce username;
  7. Click SAVE.


OpenLM Server configuration


If you followed the steps in the section above, the OpenLM Broker should now transmit data to the OpenLM Server. The final step is to approve the configuration in EasyAdmin:

  1. Open the EasyAdmin interface either by accessing http://<OpenLM Server IP>:5015/ in your browser or through Windows Start → OpenLM → OpenLM EasyAdmin User Interface.
  2. In the License Servers window, click on the Servers pending approval.
  3. Click on the Salesforce Server entry displayed as OpenLM Generic (check the port entered) and click Approve.
    Optionally, you can add data such as Country, Usage Scope, and Description.


At this point, the Salesforce has been automatically added to the OpenLM Server, and configuration is complete.


How to verify your SalesforceLicense Monitor configuration

To check if the Salesforce is being monitored correctly:

  1. Open the EasyAdmin User Interface.
  2. Click EasyAdmin Start → Widgets → License Servers. Verify that the configured license manager(s) appears in the server list. A green circle node indicates an active connection to the license server.

Please note that if this is a new connection, it may take up to 3 minutes for the status indicator to change.


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