What is LS-DYNA ? – KB

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What is LS-DYNA?

LS-DYNA is Livermore Software’s (LSTC’s) finite element analysis tool, used in a wide range of industries. LSTC has its own proprietary license manager (also LS-DYNA).

As LS-DYNA is a simulation tool, it runs on multiple CPUs (and/or GPUs), and the licensing is structured around the number of cores used and the number of jobs run simultaneously. The license is available both for a node-locked scenario and also for networked usage. Unlike conventional license managers, the number of cores being used simultaneously is monitored, rather than the number of concurrent users.

OpenLM provides the following functionality for monitoring LM-X Licenses:-

  • Denials Reporting Yes
  • Report resolution By Minute
  • Borrowed License reporting No
  • Expiration Date reporting Yes
  • Multiple Server Redundancy Support No
  • Token License Support No

LS-DYNA is only one of over 70 license managers that OpenLM can manage. Check the list.


The OpenLM benefit

OpenLM provides a clear method of viewing the current utilization of LS-DYNA licenses, as well as accumulating license usage statistics and patterns and monitoring idle licenses.


Who is Livermore Technologies?

Livermore, or LSTC (Livermore Software Technologies Corporation), based in the Californian town of the same name was founded in 1987, in order to commercialize DYNA3D under the name of LS-DYNA. LS-DYNA is an FEA (finite element analysis) tool for simulation, and has complementary tools such as LS-OPT and THUMS™ (Total Human Model for Safety), which is used in conjunction with a set of virtual crash test dummies and was developed for Toyota. Industries from aerospace to bioengineering and manufaturing use LSTC’s range of solver software. LSTC’s proprietary license manager is also known as LS-DYNA.

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