Monitoring the EasyCopy License Manager with OpenLM – KB4001i


OpenLM is a license management and monitoring system for a wide variety of Network license types, such as Flexera FLEXnet Publisher (FLEXlm) and Sentinel RMS.

EasyCopy is a provider of Graphic solutions for a variety of disciplines, including Engineering, Geoscience, and Life sciences.

OpenLM is proud to be an EasyCopy business partner. This document elaborates on the steps required to configure OpenLM to interface with the EasyCopy License Manager and obtain reliable license reports and usage statistics. This capability is available for Easycopy versions 8.7.12 onward.



Monitoring of the EasyCopy license server requires the installation of:

  • OpenLM Broker on the EasyCopy license server machine, and
  • OpenLM Server on any Windows machine on the network (which can also be the EasyCopy license server machine), as elaborated below.

The OpenLM Broker will query the EasyCopy license server locally, and propagate the data to the OpenLM Server.

How Broker interfaces EasyCopy License Manager with OpenLM Server


Configuring OpenLM to interface with EasyCopy

OpenLM Server configuration

In order to configure OpenLM to work with the EasyCopy License Manager, follow this procedure:

  1. Download and install the OpenLM Server.
  2. Navigate to EasyAdmin User Interface→Administration→License Manager Servers→Add LM→Type tab:
  3. Type in a descriptive text in the Description text box (e.g.: “my easycopy license server”).
  4. From the Type drop-down menu, select “OpenLM Generic“.
  5. Set the Time Zone to where the License Server physically resides (e.g.: Eastern time).
  6. Type in the EasyCopy server name in the Hostname text box (e.g.: easycopy_server).
  7. Port: EasyCopy does not require a specific port number, but the OpenLM configuration tool does. Type in any 3 digit number number in the Port text box.
    Note that the same number will need to be used in the OpenLM Broker configuration as well. See OpenLM Broker Configuration below.
  8. Use Broker check box
    • Unchecked (Default): The OpenLM Server actively queries the license manager. Does not apply for this license manager.
    • Checked: Usage information is obtained solely by the OpenLM Broker installation on the License manager machine. Make sure this is checked.
  9. “Allow Server fall back to denied license – On or Off:
    This is a setting that enables a license server to check if a user who was previously denied a license from the server was able to obtain a license from another server of the same type. If the user was able to get a license from another server, the original denial is not considered valid, and the license server allows the user to check out a license. This setting allows for a more flexible and robust license management system, ensuring that users are not unnecessarily denied licenses when they are available from other servers.
  10. Switch to the Custom fields tab and input the following details:

      • Country
      • Usage Scope
      • Description


  11. Click SAVE.


OpenLM Broker configuration

1. Download and install the latest OpenLM Broker version. Follow the installation and configuration instructions on the OpenLM Broker Application Note: OpenLM Broker installation Guide: Quick Reference

2. Type in the OpenLM Server hostname (e.g. my_openLM_server)

3. Make sure the OpenLM server Port number (default: 5015) is open for inbound communication.

4. Click the green ‘+’ icon to add a new port, and set its type to “OpenLM Generic

5. Fill in the license server’s name and port number exactly the same as for the OpenLM Server above (e.g. easycopy_server, 123 respectively).

6. For the ‘status‘ and ‘data_inquiry‘ command line text boxes, type in the full path format for the command “eclic.exe openlm”, see example below:

7. Click ‘Apply’ then “Restart Broker“.

Alternative: Manual OpenLM Broker Web UI configuration

  1. Download and install the latest OpenLM Broker version. Follow the installation and configuration instructions on the OpenLM Broker configuration guide.
  2. Access your Broker web UI instance (http://localhost:5090/).
  3. Navigate to the License Managers tab.
  4. In the License Managers tab, click Add License Manager. A pop-up will appear. From the LM type drop-down list, select OpenLM Generic . Input the port number (e.g. 123) and click ADD.
  5. The ADD LICENSE MANAGER configuration window appears.
  6. Switch to the Commands tab. In the Executable path field, and type in the full path format for the command “eclic.exe openlm. Click Execute and make sure the output is valid.
  7. Switch to the Vendors tab. Click Add Vendor. A pop-up appears. Type in “EasyCopy ” or other free text for the Vendor name then click Continue.
  8. Click SAVE.
  9. Follow the steps in section 4 (“Configuring OpenLM Server”), below.


4. Verify the OpenLM configuration

OpenLM is now configured to monitor your EasyCopy license manager.

Verify the OpenLM configuration via the EasyAdmin web application:

  • Open the EasyAdmin web application.
  • Click EasyAdmin Start → Widgets→ License Servers. The License Servers window appears.
  • Verify that the configured license manager appears on the list. A green circle node indicates an active connection to a license server.
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