Monitoring the ESPRIT License Manager with OpenLM


ESPRIT is one of the many license managers supported by OpenLM. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore how to configure OpenLM to monitor the DPTC ESPRIT License Manager and track license usage & obtain license statistics.


How OpenLM interfaces with the ESPRIT License Manager

Diagram of how OpenLM Broker interfaces with ESPRIT License Manager and the OpenLM Server


  1. OpenLM Broker v4.10 or later installed and configured on the ESPRIT license manager machine.
  2. OpenLM Server v4.6 or later installed and configured on a network computer.

Print out the license mapping details

The Broker requires users to configure mapping details which are found in the ESPRIT license printout file:

  1. Launch the DP Technology Server Security Manager
  2. On the left panel, locate the license(s) under the LocalHost node (e.g. E1009703_872223), right click → Print.
    Print the license output from ESPRIT DP Technology Server
  3. Select either “Microsoft Print to PDF” or “Generic / Text Only Printer” (recommended, see section 1.2 below) and choose a path to save the file.
  4. (optional) If you used “Microsoft Print to PDF”, open the created PDF file and copy all contents into a regular *.txt file and save it. The beginning of line formatting (spaces) can be ignored.
  5. Repeat this process for each license that is present.

A sample license printout file looks like this:

********** E1009703_872223 **********
Address1: 123 BAT RD
State/Region: NY
Country: US
Postal Code: 102109
Customer Code: wayneent
Name: 2_Axis_Lathe(1)
Product: ESPRIT 20xx Series
Serial Number: E1009703
Activation Id: 872223
Status: eLicenseInUse
Client Id: bwayne@TLC-2ZQABC2
License Details
Lock Code: S5580101
Expiration Date: N/A
SMC Expiration Date: Saturday, October 31, 2020
Borrowable: True
Lease Expiration Date: N/A
License Type: eLicenseTypeNormal
Lock Device: eLockDpFloat
OEM: DP Technology
File Path: C:\ProgramData\D.P.Technology\Security\Licenses\2_Axis_Lathe(1).dptlic
1-Base License
10-Surface Modeler
11-SolidTurn Traditional
21-Post Processor
22-DWG / DXF
27-Solid Modeler
30-Machine Simulation
36-Cutting Tool KB
38-Parasolid SE SW 3DM

Install the Generic / Text Only Printer on Windows

Obtaining the ESPRIT license printout file is done by using the “Print” function. Having a “Generic / Text Only Printer” avoids an extra step and the need to use a PDF viewer to read the file as the output is saved to a text file directly. Here is how to install it:

  1. In the Windows Search bar, type “add printer”.
  2. Select the result that says “Add printer or scanner” under System settings.
  3. In the Settings / Printers & Scanners window, click “Add a printer or scanner”.
    Add printer or scanner button
  4. Wait for 5 – 10 seconds until the “The printer that I want isn’t listed” link appears. Click on it.
    Select to install the Generic Text Only Printer
  5. Select the “Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings” radio button and click Next.
  6. Click “Use an existing port:” and select “FILE: (Print to File)” from the drop-down menu.
  7. Select “Generic” as the Manufacturer and the “Generic / Text Only” driver. Click Next.
  8. “Use the driver that is currently installed (recommended)” and click Next.
  9. Give the printer a name or leave it as-is then click Next.
  10.  Select “Do not share this printer” and click Next.
  11. Click Finish to close the wizard.

You should now have a virtual text-only printer installed. Whenever you select this printer as the device to print from, the action will open a “Save Print Output As” dialog window where you will have to specify a file. You can save it with a *.prn extension or select “All Files” from the Save as type menu and specify any other extension (e.g. *.txt).

OpenLM Broker configuration

  1. Navigate to your OpenLM Broker instance→License Mangers tab (http://localhost:5090/#/license-managers).
  2. Click Add License Manager.
  3. Enter any port number and select the License Manager Type as ESPRIT from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click ADD.
  5. Now you are in the Settings tab. You need to add the license file path. There are two ways to do this:
    a. Detect License File automatically
    b. Set license file path manually. Click Continue, as in the example depicted below.
  6. Warning! Make sure the Watch License File toggle is left unchecked.

  7. Switch to the Commands tab and provide the Esprit executable path:
  8. Switch to the Vendors tab → Add Vendor. Declare the descriptive name of the Vendor. Click Continue.
  9. Switch to the Log File tab→ Add Log File.
  10. Configure the Log File Definition screen as follows:
    Type – ESPRIT Server Usage
    Log(Descriptive) – a name to help you identify the purpose of the log
    Path – click on the […] button and navigate to the logs folder where your installation of ESPRIT is located. The required file is named DptSecLogServerUsage.txt
    Vendor – select the Vendor that you have defined in the Vendors tab.
  11. Click Continue then click SAVE.
  12. Open the EasyAdmin interface either by accessing http://<Server IP>:5015 in your browser or through the Start Menu → OpenLM → OpenLM EasyAdmin User Interface shortcut)
  13. In the License Servers window, click “License Managers Pending Approval”. Click on the ESPRIT LM entry to approve.

 Verify the ESPRIT License Manager configuration

To see if the ESPRIT License Manager is being monitored correctly:

1. Open the EasyAdmin user interface either by going to the address of your EasyAdmin Server (i.e. http://localhost:5015) or by accessing the shortcut in the Windows Start Menu → OpenLM → OpenLM EasyAdmin User Interface

2. Click EasyAdmin Start → Widgets→ License Servers. The License Servers window appears. Verify that the configured license manager appears on the list. A green circle node indicates an active connection to a license server.

Known Limitations

  • License denials are not currently monitored
  • The number of licenses cannot currently be read by the Broker so it is displayed as “Unlimited”
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